Monday, July 7, 2008
Acupunture for Facial Enhacement
Your body's own energy and organ function can be effective tools to restore a youthful glow to your face. here is how,
Acupuncture is probably the best known, most common and most accepted natural treatment to help your face and body turn back the hands of time. acupuncture, can be used to restore the internal imbalances that create the face's wrinkles, sagging, discoloration, dark circles, or " bags" under the eyes.
How does Acupuncture work?
It helps the body regulate the free flow of Qi and blood to facilitate nutrient absorption.
It encourages lymph drainage and enhances the skin's ability to "breath"
It stimulates the skin's own ability to form collagen, softens the skin and smoothing wrinkles, and promotes normal secretion from the sweat and oil gland.
It regulates and stimulates internal organ system function and promotes muscle contraction(firming).
So beauty is not only skin deep, cosmetic acupuncture is a healthy approach to beauty.
Consider the following statistics collected by the American Society of Aesthetic Surgeons from 1997 through 2005.
In 2005, 11,5 million surgical and non-surgical procedures was done.
This is 444percent increase since 1997- a 119 percent in surgical procedures and 796 percent in non-surgical procedures.
botox injections were the most non-surgical procedure done in 2005, at a nearly 3.3million procedures-2 million of those for women.
The most common surgical procedure performed in 2005 was liposuction to US$8.2 billion for surgical and US$ 4.2 billion for non-surgical procedures.
A Plastic Surgery Nation,
Over the past decade, I have seen a marked increase in the number of people choosing to have cosmetic surgery, and choosing to do so more often than ever before. As a baby boomer age and credit cards profligate, there has been a huge a surge in demand for these services.
at the same time, there is a need for less recovery time, less risk, and less expensive. We are a society that does not believe in delayed gratification.
At its extreme, this reliance upon cosmetic surgery can become a problem. In my experience, I have seen firtshand the loss of what I call a person's facial "blueprint". This is referred as to in the medical community as body dysmorphic disorder (or syndrome), a condition that affects 7 percent to 15 percent of Americans.
A Different Approach
My experience in plastic surgery practices along with my interest in aesthetics
made me receptive to the concept of cosmetic acupuncture when I was in school. what I expected and what I experienced made for amazing journey. It has given me a deeper understanding of what truly creates beauty, in part by helping patients come to an understanding of their innate beauty. i have come to understand that cosmetic acupuncture can be a very important therapeutic tool for "giving you the gift of you"
When consulting with a new patient about cosmetic acupuncture, I first tell her the "bad news": Cosmetic acupuncture is not a face-lift. Then I share the good news Cosmetic acupuncture (besides the healthy side effects) is that it leaves you with no scars, rearranged tissue, or other potentially undesired side effects. However, cosmetic acupuncture may not be a dramatic as you would like. It is unable to hold your skin in place if you don't care of yourself. a significant illness or stressful period in your life will most likely shorten the effects of cosmetic acupuncture because your health is always reflected in your skin. However, the cosmetic acupuncture protocol can be repeated following an illness or stressful event. it can also be performed periodically to help maintain result.
Inner Health Inner Beauty
Cosmetic acupuncture is much more than skin deep, it is a commitment to one's lifestyle and health, ideal for the person who wants more than just an effort at looking like his or her 20-30 year -old daughter. it is for the person who understand that showing up for oneself and creating a healthy lifestyle will result in a better quality of life over a longer period of time, a quality of life that will reflect in one's inner and outer beauty. Cosmetic acupuncture is for the person who wants to turn the clock back, look his or her best, feel revitalized, and enjoy it all with good health and healthy sense of well-being. Some of the effects reported by people undergoing cosmetic acupuncture are:
Firmer skin and jaw line
Reduced and softened wrinkles
Vibrant and more even skin tone
Reduced or eliminated acne and rosacea
Increased energy and sense of well-being
Reduced or eliminated hot flashes
Improved digestion
Reduced or eliminated insomnia
That's not to say that there are no risks, however. The most significant risk is bruising and, depending on the cosmetic acupuncture system used, there is a very slight risk of numbness or nerve damage.
The Mechanics of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is a type of therapy used along with a TCM practitioner to emphasize the anti-aging properties of Chinese medicine. The system that I co-created and teach instructs the practitioner in facial diagnosis, both from psychological and physiological stand point.
The analysis of skin texture, structure, both from Western/alliopathic and Eastern/Oriental perspectives, is included in this system, along with food choices containing the nutrient that support skin health. Homeopatics remedies and also sometimes herbals. The energetic properties of food are figured into the patients treatment paln based on what is found during the facial diagnosis, along with other diagnostic tools the practitioner normally uses. a specific protocol and needling technique, geared toward cosmetic effect, is taught to the practitioner top complement the body treatment that balances the patent's energies. Besides creating balanced energy within the patient, these protocols are believed to be effective because the needling causes micro-traumas that stimulates fibroblasts( also created with the Meso-therapies and homeopatic injections in mesoderm.)
The expected longevity of the procedure is enhanced by the patients lifestyle and diet, the effect could be expected to last 3-5 years.
Making the right Decision for You,
Cosmetic acupuncture is not surgery. Cosmetic acupuncture cannot correct deviated septum or reshape a nose. it cannot lift eyelid. skin that droops and blocks vision.It cannot perform breast reduction---a wonderful procedure that can eliminate neck pain, back problems, and low self esteem. cosmetic acupuncture cannot eliminate a panniculus (abdominal apron) left from loosing a significant amount of weight, another cause of back problems (due to the weight of apron) as well as skin problems.
Cosmetic acupuncture does, however, embody the quintessential anti-aging aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. when considering cosmetic acupuncture, it is important to meet with an acupuncturist well versed in plastic surgery and risks,as well as long-term effects and goals. Then the patient can make an informed decision,
You don't need botox, just defy aging the natural non-toxic and healthy way,
Yours in health
Dr. C. Coudray Lic. AP. OMD.
In our clinic we also use Meso therapies with assistance of FDA approved remedies of collagen, tissue firming modalities a nutrient based homeopatics remedy, in concert with micro-current we have a face-lift completed in 10 treatments,
We like to offer this with an accountant discount contact our office for further details
Autumn's Harvest
The weather is cool and crisp. the sun is beginning to set earlier. The leaves are turning vivid hues of red, Orange and yellow.
Fall has arrived, and now is the time to harvest the bounty that grew during the summer so we can store up for the cold winter ahead. it is a time to organize, work hard and finish projects that you began in spring and summer.
One of the most beautiful aspects of traditional Chinese medicine is as a tool to live harmoniously with the seasons. Ancient Chinese physicians observed the natural cycles of the seasons and recorded the best everyday practices for staying healthy and harmonizing our own energy with that of our environment.
" In the three months of autumn all things in nature reach their maturity. The grains ripen and harvesting occurs. The heavenly energy cools, as does the weather. The wind begins to stir. This is the changing or pivoting point when the yang, or active, phase turns into its opposite, the yin, or passive, phase. One should retire with the sunset and arise with the dawn. just as the weather in autumn turns hars, so does the emotional climate. It is therefore important to remain calm and peaceful, refraining from depression so that one can make the transition to winter smoothly. This is the time to gather one's spirit and energy, be more focused, and not allow desires to run wild. One must keep the lung energy free full, clean, and quiet. this means practicing breathing exercises to enhance lung Qi. Also, one should refrain from smoking and grief, the emotion of lung. This will prevent kidney or digestive problems in the winter. If this natural law and order is violated, damage will occur to the lungs, resulting in diarrhea with undigested foods in the wither. This compromises the body's ability to store in winter"
Element: Metal
Color: white
Nature: Yin
Organs: Lung and large intestine
Taste: Spicy
Emotion: Grief
Turning Inward for Preparation
Fall is the season associated with the metal element. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the metal element governs the mind, organization, order and stability. We tend to be more reflective, turning inward to work, our families and our homes during this time. It is a time to organize and prepare for the winter season ahead and the time to reflect on our lives. Emotionally, this is the season associated with grief and negative emotions, which can impact health more powerfully during fall.
Wind, Cold and the Body
fall correspond to the lungs, skin and large intestine. The lungs and large intestine are in charge of respiration, digestion, and elimination. Common symptoms associated with lung and large intestine imbalances are respiratory problems, such as asthma, shortness of breath, frequent colds, and sinus infections, as well as constipation and skin problems.
The body is particularly susceptible to wind and cold during the fall. Dryness can cause symptoms of coughing, dry nose, sore throat, dry skin, dry hair and scalp, dry mouth and cracked lips, and hard and dry stool. adding more nourishing yin foods to your diet can improve body fluids, soothe the lungs and protect from dryness.
Here are some nourishing foods and herbs to add to your fall diet:
apple, Banana, beets, Bell pepper, Bok choy, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cinnamon, cranberry, Figs, Garlic, Ginger, Grapes, Horseradish, Leeks, Pears, Persimmons, Plums, Pomegranate, Pumpkin, Red cabbage, Rosemary, Sage, Spinach, Thyme, Whole grains, Wild rice, Winter squash, Yam
Enjoy your Autumn
Dr. C. Coudray Lic. Ap.OMD
Feng Shui, For Health and Well being
Qi (or Chi, pronounced chee) is often referred to as "the breath of life" It is our body's "life force" or "vital energy" traveling along pathways or channels called meridians. For centuries the Chinese have used acupuncture needles to unblock and balance this energy flow. Smoothly flowing Qi is the key to achieving and maintaining physical and mental health. While acupuncture is a form of energy medicine for our body, feng shui is energy medicine for our environment and our life.
In Chinese feng (pronounced fung) means wind and shui (pronounced scway) means water. You already know that water is sustain of life, whether plant, animal or human. Likewise, it is the wind that carries water from place to place, causes evaporation from sea, and enables rain to fall. Wind and water are therefore essential to survival. These elements also carry the invisible life force energy called QI.
Finding Your Flow
The main purpose of feng shui is to map the flow of Qi and its effect on our environment-your land, your home and office. This turn affects your life, career, knowledge, health and family, wealth, fame, relationships, children and helpful people are each greatly affected by the ease with which Qi moves through your physical space. These areas are known as the "eight aspirations", or directions, of the PaKua or (BaGua). The BaGua (pronounced bagh-wa) is an eight-sided figure that is divided into eight sectors or compass directions-North,South, West, East, southwest, southeast, northwest and northeast. Each of the eight sectors correspond to an area in your life, a direction and one of traditional Chinese medicine's five basic elements: Water, Wood, Fire, and Metal.
Do you find yourself battling against life, your surroundings, your personal relationships or career? does it seem that finances are never enough? are you dealing with personal health crisis?
feng shiu could be just what you're looking for. Clearing your clutter and organizing your space are a prerequisites to a feng shui consultation. Imagine a feng shui practitioner moving your furniture, suggestion color themes or fabrics, correctly placing a "cure" such as a mirror or a wind-chime, and suddenly finding everything seems to go your way. The most unexpected meetings develop into profitable business relations or a promotion. Coworkers suddenly seem more helpful and you feel more in control of your life. It can happen to you!
The Flow of Qi Within,
In a similar way, good health is often a question of getting the balance right in various aspects of your life, but having good health is the best basis from which to improve and expand your life in all areas. In the I ching, Chen stands for spring or new beginning and is the trigram for health on the BaGua with big wood as its element and deep green color.
The Chinese have long been in search of the elixir of life, creating natural herbal decoctions for medicinal use. Chinese legends and stories abound with tales of emperors sending emissaries to seek for secret of immortality in far-off places. even the ingredients in Chinese medicine are combined to balance Yin and Yang qualities of food. The whole concept of health is to keep th Qi balanced and moving inside the body. stagnated Qi gives rise t illness and when Qi leaves to body altogether, death occurs. Hence the Chinese development of various martial arts like Qi Gong and Tai Chi, which use correct breathing technique to improve circulation and prevent blockages of Qi within the body. The vital organs in the body are also linked to the Five Elements. the kidneys are associated with water, the liver with wood, the heart with fire, spleen with earth and the lungs with metal.
To activate the health area, concentrate on the east sector of your house, room or garden. Good feng shui in this area represents good health for the whole family. The East is associated with the wood element and the best method bring Qi to this area is the placement of a healthy Green plant such as bamboo. any healthy green plant without sharp edges will be appropriate. Avoid using caucuses plants. The size of the plant should be proportionate to the size of the room. be sure to properly are for the plant keeping it watered but not over watering. An unhealthy plant, or dried flowers, will cause health, Qi to stagnate increasing the opportunity of illness. If a live plant is out of the question, you can also use pictures of plants such as bamboo-the symbol of strength and longevity.
The use of wood furniture in this area verses metal furniture will also create health and Qi. I'm reminded of a consultation i did with someone who had health issues. Upon entering her space, I noticed a cat litter box in the middle of her health sector. Simply moving the cat litter box to another area and adding some cures such as a green paint and a healthy plant, crystals and pictures representing health allowed Qi to flow and her health quickly improved.
Is your health sector a spare room cluttered with boxes and junk? If so, it's time to clear out this space for improvements in health. Feng shui affects every aspect of our lives. Are you ready to let the wonder of feng shiu unfold for you!
Dr. C. Coudray Lic Ap. OMD
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Summertime is about expansion, growth, activity and creativity.
The season filled with abundant energy, long days and sunshine. This is the most yang time of the year. Summer is about, growth, activity and creativity.
Element: Fire
Color: Red
Nature: Yang
Organs: Heart, small intestine
Emotion: Joy
The Fire Element
Summer is the season of yang, a time when the body undergoes vigorous metabolic (body energy) processes. several thousand years ago, The Medical classic of the Yellow Emperor" put forth the principle that one should cultivate the yang energy in spring and summer, while protecting the yin energy in autumn and winter.
TCM teaches us that summer belongs to fire element, one of the five elements. Fire is symbolic of maximum activity or greatest yang, which means that it is a time of heat, outgoingness, and moving outward in nature and in our lives. In human anatomy, the heart, mind and spirit are ruled by the fire element. Thus, top priority should be given to the heart, mind and spirit for staying healthy in the summer.
Live Life to the Fullest, The hearts main function is to pump oxygen-rich blood through the body. In Chinese medicine, mental activity is associated with the heart and therefore our memory, thought process, emotional well-being and consciousness are also attributed to the heart and fire element. This is a time to nourish and pacify our spirits, and to realize our life's greatest potential as we find joy in our hot summer days and warm summer nights.
When the fire element is in balance, the heart is strong and healthy, the mind is calm and sleep is sound.
When the fire element is imbalanced, we may either lack joy(depression) or have an excess of joy(mania). Indicators of an imbalance in the fire element include agitation, nervousness, heartburn, and insomnia.
Tips for summer health, to prevent summer ills and remain in harmony with the environment of summer, ancient Chinese physicians advised:
Awaken earlier in the morning
Go to bed later in the evening
Rest at midday
Drink plenty of true fluids
Add pungent flavors to your diet
Refrain from anger: keep calm and even tempered.
Eat in moderation: over consumption of any food especially cooling foods, can lead to indigestion, sluggishness and possibly diarrhea.
Do not leave your food out for too long: the hot weather tends to increase spoilage
stay away from: dairy, heavy, greasy and fried foods
Eating under the sun, here are some good foods for our summertime's:
Watermelon, Apricot, Cantaloupe, Lemon, Peach, Orange, asparagus, Sprouts, Bamboo, Bok choy, Broccoli, Cabbage, corn, cucumbers, white mushroom, snow peas, Spinach, summer squash, Watercress, Seaweed, Mung beans, Cilantro, Mint, Dill
These fruits and vegetables will help your body adjust its temperature and protect you during the long, hot summer days
Have a great Summer,
Is it a matter of energy? No, the body is Matter and Energy.
“Beauty Is Health Made Visible”
Is this a matter of Energy? No, The Body Is Matter And Energy!
Health and wellness require a balance of energy flows through the body. Wellness treatment with Acupuncture do facilitate a natural flow and balanced energy. Energetic balance is a prerequisite to health and beauty. Esthetic problems often are tell-tale signs of energetic blockages. Maintaining and restoring energetic balance is at the core of beauty and restored health, (physical, emotional and mental wellness).
Come and enhance your wellbeing, with any of one services provided in our clinic, Purchase 5 treatments and get the 6th for free, of any acupuncture treatments,
Healthy Heart Acupuncture, this treatment can help stimulate the flow of both energy and blood, and prevent clogged arteries, Get back your physical strength and well-being. (75.00$/treatment)
Women in Transition, Do you want an alternative to hormone replacement therapies, HRT?, acupuncture is easy, simple and a natural way to relive the symptoms of menopause and regain your body’s internal balance and harmony during this important life transition. (75.00$/treatment)
Facial Rejuvenation-Non-Surgical Face-Lift, This way more and more people recognize Acupuncture as the non-invasive alternative to face-lift, both men-women are accepting the strength and beauty of this procedure that is broadly recognized in Europe. Relax, support and strengthen muscle from within, target laugh lines, sagging chins and frown creases, among other areas. Each treatment is prescribed per the individual needs ($950.00)
Among other treatments available, Detoxification protocols, weight-loss, allergy, sinusitis, Pain-management, ADHD, behavior problems, mental-emotional, depression, stress-reduction, co-cancer management, tinnitus, acid-reflux…..over 140 known diagnosis is managed with acupuncture and herbal medicine alone, so the list goes on…… healthy bio-feedback sessions available too with QXCI. (MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED)
Sincerely Catherine Coudray BSN.AP
Acupuncture Physician
Is this a matter of Energy? No, The Body Is Matter And Energy!
Health and wellness require a balance of energy flows through the body. Wellness treatment with Acupuncture do facilitate a natural flow and balanced energy. Energetic balance is a prerequisite to health and beauty. Esthetic problems often are tell-tale signs of energetic blockages. Maintaining and restoring energetic balance is at the core of beauty and restored health, (physical, emotional and mental wellness).
Come and enhance your wellbeing, with any of one services provided in our clinic, Purchase 5 treatments and get the 6th for free, of any acupuncture treatments,
Healthy Heart Acupuncture, this treatment can help stimulate the flow of both energy and blood, and prevent clogged arteries, Get back your physical strength and well-being. (75.00$/treatment)
Women in Transition, Do you want an alternative to hormone replacement therapies, HRT?, acupuncture is easy, simple and a natural way to relive the symptoms of menopause and regain your body’s internal balance and harmony during this important life transition. (75.00$/treatment)
Facial Rejuvenation-Non-Surgical Face-Lift, This way more and more people recognize Acupuncture as the non-invasive alternative to face-lift, both men-women are accepting the strength and beauty of this procedure that is broadly recognized in Europe. Relax, support and strengthen muscle from within, target laugh lines, sagging chins and frown creases, among other areas. Each treatment is prescribed per the individual needs ($950.00)
Among other treatments available, Detoxification protocols, weight-loss, allergy, sinusitis, Pain-management, ADHD, behavior problems, mental-emotional, depression, stress-reduction, co-cancer management, tinnitus, acid-reflux…..over 140 known diagnosis is managed with acupuncture and herbal medicine alone, so the list goes on…… healthy bio-feedback sessions available too with QXCI. (MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED)
Sincerely Catherine Coudray BSN.AP
Acupuncture Physician
Thanksgiving and Healthy Resolutions
Healthy Resolutions Worth Keeping
By Catherine Coudray Acupuncture Physician
THANKSGIVING ushers in the holiday season and with a license to indulge.
Countless men and women put aside their guilt and dig into Christmas cookies, knock back too many eggnogs and smoke to their hearts content. But when Dick Clark rings in the New Year, these same men and women promise to once and for all lose these extra pounds, start exercising, avoid alcohol and stop smoking.
Yet for most, these bold resolutions soon fizzle into faint memories. But it does not have to be that way. Here are (nine) doable resolutions that can make a big difference to your health. So read the clip them out, hang them up on the refrigerator. Your body will be thankful.
1) Get a $25.00 pedometer as a motivation to walk more. You don’t have to become a marathon runner to reap the benefits of getting physical. Moderate exercise including walking, improves cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and promotes weight-loss. Men and women who walk for 30 min/day decrease their risk of stroke and heart attack by 20-40%.
2) Eat fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Research shows that these foods contain cancer-fighting chemicals as well as hearth-healthy compounds. These fiber rich foods help you feel full longer, encouraging weight-loss. Munch on cruciferous vegetables, like citrus, green vegetables and nuts, and eat enough fish and beans to fend off cancer, heart disease and obesity ( see me for further personal diet instructions)
3) Get at least 1000mg Calcium every day to build bone. Reach for calcium – rich foods and supplements to get your daily quota. You’re never too young to bone up on calcium. Before the age of 30, your body needs calcium every day. Your bones begin to loose calcium and your bones become increasingly fragile. This process speeds up as you approach menopause. ( see me for additional information, non-dairy calcium sources)
4) Start keeping track of how much alcohol you’re drinking if you’re drinking too many, a hang-over is the least of your worries. Even when adjusting for body weight, women who drink excessively face greater health consequences than their male encounter. Tossing back more than one drink a day can be a sign of depression.
5) Review all your medications, both prescriptions and over the counter, with your practitioner. A number of medications pose more health risks to women than men. Some antihistamines, antibiotics and cholesterol-lowering drugs may put women at increased risk of potential fatal and irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias.
6) Get tested for diabetes. Almost ten million men and women have diabetes yet one third of them don’t know it. More women than men are affected by diabetes include blindness is greater among women than men. All women 45 years and older should be tested at least once every three years for diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, should be tested regularly.
7) Smoke alarm: men and women are dying for a puff. About quitting smoking, smoking-associated diseases claim the lives of approximately 165.000 men and women annually. And lung cancer is the leading cancer-killer. Women are genetically, hormonal and behavioral effected differently than men. Planning and preparing are some essential to successful kicking of the habit. Find out about the newest treatment for quitting smoking, and get motivated to kick butts for life. ( see how acupuncture can help you to quit smoking)
8) Get some ZZZZZZZZZs. Tossing and turning the night away can wreak havoc on your health. Women suffer from insomnia more often than men and can face more severe consequences of the condition. Yet many remained undiagnosed and opt to self medicate instead of seeking professional advice. Why get help? Insomniacs regularly have trouble concentration and wind up being more accident-prone. In addition, studies show that up to half of the patients with chronic insomnia also have mood or anxiety disorders, acupuncture has great advantage, since non-invasive treatment is getting results immediately, see me for treatment options and details.
Visit Catherine Coudray acupuncture Physician for details, supporting your health with extensive nutritional, homeopathic and herbal protocol, Acupuncture, experience a non-needle treatment for pain-management, rehab-programs or beauty treatment for facial-rejuvenation and much more……
Best regards Catherine Coudray Lic.BSN.AP, by appointment only Phone#321-303-5240
By Catherine Coudray Acupuncture Physician
THANKSGIVING ushers in the holiday season and with a license to indulge.
Countless men and women put aside their guilt and dig into Christmas cookies, knock back too many eggnogs and smoke to their hearts content. But when Dick Clark rings in the New Year, these same men and women promise to once and for all lose these extra pounds, start exercising, avoid alcohol and stop smoking.
Yet for most, these bold resolutions soon fizzle into faint memories. But it does not have to be that way. Here are (nine) doable resolutions that can make a big difference to your health. So read the clip them out, hang them up on the refrigerator. Your body will be thankful.
1) Get a $25.00 pedometer as a motivation to walk more. You don’t have to become a marathon runner to reap the benefits of getting physical. Moderate exercise including walking, improves cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and promotes weight-loss. Men and women who walk for 30 min/day decrease their risk of stroke and heart attack by 20-40%.
2) Eat fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Research shows that these foods contain cancer-fighting chemicals as well as hearth-healthy compounds. These fiber rich foods help you feel full longer, encouraging weight-loss. Munch on cruciferous vegetables, like citrus, green vegetables and nuts, and eat enough fish and beans to fend off cancer, heart disease and obesity ( see me for further personal diet instructions)
3) Get at least 1000mg Calcium every day to build bone. Reach for calcium – rich foods and supplements to get your daily quota. You’re never too young to bone up on calcium. Before the age of 30, your body needs calcium every day. Your bones begin to loose calcium and your bones become increasingly fragile. This process speeds up as you approach menopause. ( see me for additional information, non-dairy calcium sources)
4) Start keeping track of how much alcohol you’re drinking if you’re drinking too many, a hang-over is the least of your worries. Even when adjusting for body weight, women who drink excessively face greater health consequences than their male encounter. Tossing back more than one drink a day can be a sign of depression.
5) Review all your medications, both prescriptions and over the counter, with your practitioner. A number of medications pose more health risks to women than men. Some antihistamines, antibiotics and cholesterol-lowering drugs may put women at increased risk of potential fatal and irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias.
6) Get tested for diabetes. Almost ten million men and women have diabetes yet one third of them don’t know it. More women than men are affected by diabetes include blindness is greater among women than men. All women 45 years and older should be tested at least once every three years for diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, should be tested regularly.
7) Smoke alarm: men and women are dying for a puff. About quitting smoking, smoking-associated diseases claim the lives of approximately 165.000 men and women annually. And lung cancer is the leading cancer-killer. Women are genetically, hormonal and behavioral effected differently than men. Planning and preparing are some essential to successful kicking of the habit. Find out about the newest treatment for quitting smoking, and get motivated to kick butts for life. ( see how acupuncture can help you to quit smoking)
8) Get some ZZZZZZZZZs. Tossing and turning the night away can wreak havoc on your health. Women suffer from insomnia more often than men and can face more severe consequences of the condition. Yet many remained undiagnosed and opt to self medicate instead of seeking professional advice. Why get help? Insomniacs regularly have trouble concentration and wind up being more accident-prone. In addition, studies show that up to half of the patients with chronic insomnia also have mood or anxiety disorders, acupuncture has great advantage, since non-invasive treatment is getting results immediately, see me for treatment options and details.
Visit Catherine Coudray acupuncture Physician for details, supporting your health with extensive nutritional, homeopathic and herbal protocol, Acupuncture, experience a non-needle treatment for pain-management, rehab-programs or beauty treatment for facial-rejuvenation and much more……
Best regards Catherine Coudray Lic.BSN.AP, by appointment only Phone#321-303-5240
628 East Colonial Drive Orl. Fl. 32803
Water a powerful health and wellness tool
“ Our intent is to heal and transform this planet one person at a time- from inside out”
Water a powerful health and wellness tool
The quality of awareness, Studies show that water changes its form to reflect prevailing vibrations including our thoughts and intentions. Thoughts of gratitude, health, kindness and prosperity, create those patterns within the water we drink and the water within our bodies. The water mirrors and remembers the intentions we hold and emanate.
Quantum science now shows us what the ancient masters thought- all of life is a pulsating energy field, and everything is interconnected unity. Water mirrors and provides a working metaphor to connect your inner and outer worlds. The quality of thoughts and intentions we hold for ourselves are directly mirrored by the external world. As within, so without. Embody the vibration you desire to experience in this life, your life here and now is not a rehearsal, so bless life as it flows through you.
Hydration and Your health Water is the most undervalued health and wellness nutrient in modern times. We are dying of thirst. Too often we feel exhausted, stressed and emotionally spent. We look worn out and many of us are overweight. Yet sadly, we seek short term symptom relief instead of the cause of our dis-ease. Many times the cause is chronic dehydration. Modern society has adopted numerous assumptions about water that are false and which lead to expensive sick care, much suffering and many death. Thirst in the mouth is an inadequate indicator of water shortage, and even this mechanism is broken in 38% of the population. With water shortages, the body suppresses and kills various processes in “drought management’ responses” More vital functions are given priority, less vital ones are allowed to die. This is the foundation of many chronic conditions. Adequate hydration prevents the body’s “ drought management response” and the inevitable suffering that follows. We need to motivate adequate hydration and set up patterns of sustainable self-care. .
Hydration makes economic sense It is important and cost effective to stay healthy, preliminary estimates show that adequate hydration could save you an enormous amount of money in reduced medical expenses and fewer sick days, as a preventative tool, water could be your most cost-effective option.
Facts about hydration and your health
*75% of Americans are chronically ill because of dehydration
*83% of Americans know they don’t drink enough water
*Blood is 92% water
*Brain is 75% water
*Lungs are 90% water
*Muscles are 75% water
*Chronic dehydration causes: Asthma, arthritis, kidney stones, gallstones, hypertension, cardio-vascular disease, and weight gain
*Water prevent DNA damage
*Water greatly effect the efficiency of immune system in bone marrow, including its natural protection against cancer
*Recommended daily minimum quantity of water: your weight divided by 2 equals the number of ounces required per day, for example a weight of 180lbs the daily amount of water intake would be 90 ounces,
More water is required if you consume caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, nursing mothers, live in high altitude or high temperature environments and athletic activities.
Please visit our office for your complimentary check-up,
Dr. Catherine Coudray, Lic, AP. Dipl, AC BSN, RD.LDr intent is to heal and transform this planet one person at a time
Water a powerful health and wellness tool
The quality of awareness, Studies show that water changes its form to reflect prevailing vibrations including our thoughts and intentions. Thoughts of gratitude, health, kindness and prosperity, create those patterns within the water we drink and the water within our bodies. The water mirrors and remembers the intentions we hold and emanate.
Quantum science now shows us what the ancient masters thought- all of life is a pulsating energy field, and everything is interconnected unity. Water mirrors and provides a working metaphor to connect your inner and outer worlds. The quality of thoughts and intentions we hold for ourselves are directly mirrored by the external world. As within, so without. Embody the vibration you desire to experience in this life, your life here and now is not a rehearsal, so bless life as it flows through you.
Hydration and Your health Water is the most undervalued health and wellness nutrient in modern times. We are dying of thirst. Too often we feel exhausted, stressed and emotionally spent. We look worn out and many of us are overweight. Yet sadly, we seek short term symptom relief instead of the cause of our dis-ease. Many times the cause is chronic dehydration. Modern society has adopted numerous assumptions about water that are false and which lead to expensive sick care, much suffering and many death. Thirst in the mouth is an inadequate indicator of water shortage, and even this mechanism is broken in 38% of the population. With water shortages, the body suppresses and kills various processes in “drought management’ responses” More vital functions are given priority, less vital ones are allowed to die. This is the foundation of many chronic conditions. Adequate hydration prevents the body’s “ drought management response” and the inevitable suffering that follows. We need to motivate adequate hydration and set up patterns of sustainable self-care. .
Hydration makes economic sense It is important and cost effective to stay healthy, preliminary estimates show that adequate hydration could save you an enormous amount of money in reduced medical expenses and fewer sick days, as a preventative tool, water could be your most cost-effective option.
Facts about hydration and your health
*75% of Americans are chronically ill because of dehydration
*83% of Americans know they don’t drink enough water
*Blood is 92% water
*Brain is 75% water
*Lungs are 90% water
*Muscles are 75% water
*Chronic dehydration causes: Asthma, arthritis, kidney stones, gallstones, hypertension, cardio-vascular disease, and weight gain
*Water prevent DNA damage
*Water greatly effect the efficiency of immune system in bone marrow, including its natural protection against cancer
*Recommended daily minimum quantity of water: your weight divided by 2 equals the number of ounces required per day, for example a weight of 180lbs the daily amount of water intake would be 90 ounces,
More water is required if you consume caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, nursing mothers, live in high altitude or high temperature environments and athletic activities.
Please visit our office for your complimentary check-up,
Dr. Catherine Coudray, Lic, AP. Dipl, AC BSN, RD.LDr intent is to heal and transform this planet one person at a time
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