“ Our intent is to heal and transform this planet one person at a time- from inside out”
Water a powerful health and wellness tool
The quality of awareness, Studies show that water changes its form to reflect prevailing vibrations including our thoughts and intentions. Thoughts of gratitude, health, kindness and prosperity, create those patterns within the water we drink and the water within our bodies. The water mirrors and remembers the intentions we hold and emanate.
Quantum science now shows us what the ancient masters thought- all of life is a pulsating energy field, and everything is interconnected unity. Water mirrors and provides a working metaphor to connect your inner and outer worlds. The quality of thoughts and intentions we hold for ourselves are directly mirrored by the external world. As within, so without. Embody the vibration you desire to experience in this life, your life here and now is not a rehearsal, so bless life as it flows through you.
Hydration and Your health Water is the most undervalued health and wellness nutrient in modern times. We are dying of thirst. Too often we feel exhausted, stressed and emotionally spent. We look worn out and many of us are overweight. Yet sadly, we seek short term symptom relief instead of the cause of our dis-ease. Many times the cause is chronic dehydration. Modern society has adopted numerous assumptions about water that are false and which lead to expensive sick care, much suffering and many death. Thirst in the mouth is an inadequate indicator of water shortage, and even this mechanism is broken in 38% of the population. With water shortages, the body suppresses and kills various processes in “drought management’ responses” More vital functions are given priority, less vital ones are allowed to die. This is the foundation of many chronic conditions. Adequate hydration prevents the body’s “ drought management response” and the inevitable suffering that follows. We need to motivate adequate hydration and set up patterns of sustainable self-care. .
Hydration makes economic sense It is important and cost effective to stay healthy, preliminary estimates show that adequate hydration could save you an enormous amount of money in reduced medical expenses and fewer sick days, as a preventative tool, water could be your most cost-effective option.
Facts about hydration and your health
*75% of Americans are chronically ill because of dehydration
*83% of Americans know they don’t drink enough water
*Blood is 92% water
*Brain is 75% water
*Lungs are 90% water
*Muscles are 75% water
*Chronic dehydration causes: Asthma, arthritis, kidney stones, gallstones, hypertension, cardio-vascular disease, and weight gain
*Water prevent DNA damage
*Water greatly effect the efficiency of immune system in bone marrow, including its natural protection against cancer
*Recommended daily minimum quantity of water: your weight divided by 2 equals the number of ounces required per day, for example a weight of 180lbs the daily amount of water intake would be 90 ounces,
More water is required if you consume caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, nursing mothers, live in high altitude or high temperature environments and athletic activities.
Please visit our office for your complimentary check-up,
Dr. Catherine Coudray, Lic, AP. Dipl, AC BSN, RD.LDr intent is to heal and transform this planet one person at a time
Water a powerful health and wellness tool
The quality of awareness, Studies show that water changes its form to reflect prevailing vibrations including our thoughts and intentions. Thoughts of gratitude, health, kindness and prosperity, create those patterns within the water we drink and the water within our bodies. The water mirrors and remembers the intentions we hold and emanate.
Quantum science now shows us what the ancient masters thought- all of life is a pulsating energy field, and everything is interconnected unity. Water mirrors and provides a working metaphor to connect your inner and outer worlds. The quality of thoughts and intentions we hold for ourselves are directly mirrored by the external world. As within, so without. Embody the vibration you desire to experience in this life, your life here and now is not a rehearsal, so bless life as it flows through you.
Hydration and Your health Water is the most undervalued health and wellness nutrient in modern times. We are dying of thirst. Too often we feel exhausted, stressed and emotionally spent. We look worn out and many of us are overweight. Yet sadly, we seek short term symptom relief instead of the cause of our dis-ease. Many times the cause is chronic dehydration. Modern society has adopted numerous assumptions about water that are false and which lead to expensive sick care, much suffering and many death. Thirst in the mouth is an inadequate indicator of water shortage, and even this mechanism is broken in 38% of the population. With water shortages, the body suppresses and kills various processes in “drought management’ responses” More vital functions are given priority, less vital ones are allowed to die. This is the foundation of many chronic conditions. Adequate hydration prevents the body’s “ drought management response” and the inevitable suffering that follows. We need to motivate adequate hydration and set up patterns of sustainable self-care. .
Hydration makes economic sense It is important and cost effective to stay healthy, preliminary estimates show that adequate hydration could save you an enormous amount of money in reduced medical expenses and fewer sick days, as a preventative tool, water could be your most cost-effective option.
Facts about hydration and your health
*75% of Americans are chronically ill because of dehydration
*83% of Americans know they don’t drink enough water
*Blood is 92% water
*Brain is 75% water
*Lungs are 90% water
*Muscles are 75% water
*Chronic dehydration causes: Asthma, arthritis, kidney stones, gallstones, hypertension, cardio-vascular disease, and weight gain
*Water prevent DNA damage
*Water greatly effect the efficiency of immune system in bone marrow, including its natural protection against cancer
*Recommended daily minimum quantity of water: your weight divided by 2 equals the number of ounces required per day, for example a weight of 180lbs the daily amount of water intake would be 90 ounces,
More water is required if you consume caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, nursing mothers, live in high altitude or high temperature environments and athletic activities.
Please visit our office for your complimentary check-up,
Dr. Catherine Coudray, Lic, AP. Dipl, AC BSN, RD.LDr intent is to heal and transform this planet one person at a time
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